Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Leadership Report: State of the Union Address

The Leadership Report: State of the Union Address

According to NPR, President Obama will be delivering the State of the Union Address on January 27 to national audiences on major broadcast networks. The whole world (well, those who care) will be watching and waiting to see what President Obama has to say about the strides (and potential setbacks) his Administration has encountered over there past year.

Looking back at it all: Was this a successful year for the Obama Administration? In the beginning the Obama machine was roaring loud and clear, you could hear it coming a mile away. The Obama campaign was FULL of energy, charisma, and ethusiasm toting an ethusiastic message of change, but now it seems as if it is barely chugging along what with the wall street crises, big bonuses, foreclosures, high taxes, all the healthcare hulabaloo, unemployment ills and security snaffoos.

What happened to the passionate man behind the mic? The young up and coming leader with a vision for victory? The guy with the gift for generational gab? Has the leader lost its luster?  Instead of engaging the audience and his followers, the leader talks to US but does not include us. Somewhere a long the line, the messages from the Administration didn't deliever. The Obama train came into the station and parked... permanently, instead of canvassing more destinations, increasing participation and building on the energy it had.

The world is looking for a leader (especially in dire times) to keep the energy level up and inspire - that is what people NEED. A man who is going to stick to the script, set out a strategic plan, acknowledge strengths and build upon weaknesses. A leader to demonstrate empathy, assertiveness, passion, courage, great judgement, personality and when appropriate - humor. Speeches should be filled with life, body language should be stern yet not robotic-like. People like to know those around them are still human. It is okay to deviate from the speech and improvise. Sure, there are a variety of leadership styles, but is Obama's effective? Are the American people confident in his style?

In my opinion, you have to speak and think like a leader. In this address, I would like to see President Obama demonstrate:
  • Charisma: Smile, go off script, tell a joke.. break the monotony of a dry speech
  • Candor: Don't mask the setbacks; acknowledge they exist and outline a strategic plan to get us back on track (not just vague suggestions)
  • Posture/Body language: Break free from the robotic-like movements
  • Tone: Refrain from being monotone and develop flucuations in voice
Given the State of the Union address is one of the most professional and routine speeches, it may be difficult to implement all of these suggestions but it would be nice to see something different from President Obama. I hope somehow he bridges the "new Obama" with "old Obama" America saw emerging before the election. As we know, leaders come in different forms and fashions; but this time around Americans chose a leader they felt they could identify with... The only problem is: Where is he now? 

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